
【Unity/VRChat】UPDATED FREE Fire Breath by Raivo

UPDATED! - Due to some Render issues i Updated the Distortion with my new Distortion Shader. This is a Free Particle Prefab that you just simply drag and drop on your Avatar so its outside the Armature, drag the Head Bone in the Parent Constraint on the Prefab, then place the "Move Me" component where the Mouth is in the Scene and then toggle the Prefab however u want. Shader have Hue Slider for you to use. It includes the Shaders, Particles, Textures, Materials Sound and a Prefab for you to use. -Made in Unity 2022 - Credit me if used - Allowed to use on Public Avatars - Allowed to use on For Sale Models (Commercial use) - Allowed to share - Do not resell on its own - Do not claim as your work Textures, Sound and Shaders by RaivoVFX Discord Server: https://discord.gg/85EHarq I Hope you like it :)

【Unity/VRChat】UPDATED FREE Fire Breath by Raivo
UPDATED! - Due to some Render issues i Updated the Distortion with my new Distortion Shader. This is a Free Particle Prefab that you just simply drag and drop on your Avatar so its outside the Armature, drag the Head Bone in the Parent Constraint on the Prefab, then place the "Move Me" component where the Mouth is in the Scene and then toggle the Prefab however u want. Shader have Hue Slider for you to use. It includes the Shaders, Particles, Textures, Materials Sound and a Prefab for you to use. -Made in Unity 2022 - Credit me if used - Allowed to use on Public Avatars - Allowed to use on For Sale Models (Commercial use) - Allowed to share - Do not resell on its own - Do not claim as your work Textures, Sound and Shaders by RaivoVFX Discord Server: https://discord.gg/85EHarq I Hope you like it :)